Our students are welcomed, encouraged, and supported from initial contact through graduation and job placement
Rigorous training and workplace skills result in careers and family sustaining wages
BCAT offers cost-free adult workforce training programs in healthcare and tech fields, with additional support to ensure our students are successful in graduating, earning certifications, and in attaining and retaining good jobs.
We provide support for students who are navigating formidable barriers including poverty, racism, and trauma, and inequitable access to basic needs. BCAT helps students complete their program, and attain certifications and jobs that lead to family-sustaining wages and opportunities for advancement.
Tutoring, mentoring, professional development, workplace skills, and social support are key to our success. Our dedicated staff embodies a mindset of “never quit” while working with students to navigate their personal barriers to success.
Fill Out the Pre-Registration Form
and/or Apply In Person at
1221 Main Street